
春之祭(79x110cm 2015 水墨)

Sacrifice献。年老的智者圍成圈,眼見一名少女跳舞直至死亡until dead。她是祭春神的祭品。這就是遠古部落的祭袓儀式。俄國作曲家斯特拉温斯基請狄亞基列夫將作品搬上舞台,由尼金斯基編舞。而余能盛與台北室內芭蕾,隨莫扎特與斯特拉温斯基起舞,反思高度物質文明的發展之未來?令人深思。
Love conquering war for the studio of Isabella d’Este,with Mars and Venus at the top,and Vulcan,Mercury,Apollo and nine dancing muses (Mantegna:Parnassus,1497) 。Apollo and the Muses again,signalling harmony for Henry VIII’s wedding to Anne Boleyn(Hans Holbein:Parnassus,1533) 。《The Panorama of the Renassaince》(P.48)But Anne Boleyn ,Henry VIII’s second Queen died on May 19,1536 with a pain of sword cut all in her neck。(伴君如伴虎)