

有法不拘於法,無法能自為法。.Paintings starts from life,big or small.Big life refers to the 〝object〞of communicating with all beings mentioned by Zhuang-Zhi(莊子),the life evolving into all natural beings.It is similar to Master Yu who integrates painted snipes,wild birds,ecology,nature,humanity and living into his life and represents them through paintings similar to arts of big life.Master Yu titled in his self-portrait:〝 I wish to be a bird in next life that flies with freedom and beauty of life. 〞It is the interpretation of Master Yu in pursuit of life and art values. ( 吳茂松 )
吳茂松 (佛光大學哲學碩士、作家、詩人) Dec 21 冬至 2008